Description of Classes
Gymnastics (Flying High)
Controlled movements using the flexibility of legs, back and shoulders
while developing a strong core. Students learn the fundamentals of gymnastics; from basic skills to advanced elements. These classes are wonderful for dancers looking to incorporate arcro skills in their dances as well as gymnasts and cheerleaders to improve on jumps & skills.
Hip Hop (Diva Stars)
Diverese styles from Break Dancing to Street and Funk are incorporated in these classes
Hip Hop is a high energy class developing individual expression through rhythm & style,
accompanied by current hip hop music to keep students motivated.
Ballet (Bella Ballerinas)
The base of all dance- Ballet teaches discipline along with strength and fluid movement.
Children will develop vocabulary, barre work, learn body alignment, turn out and
develop grace & balance.
Combination of Ballet and Jazz. Dancers will learn to interpret the music & express emotion through movement. The meaning and feeling of music will be portrayed through the poetry of the dance.
Tap (Pretty Rhythm)
Dancers learn rhythm and technique through combinations. Students will develop their sneses of sound and rhythm, alongside the tap movements, accompanied by music.
Jazz (Super Stars)
Many different styles will be taught in Jazz class, from Broadway Jazz to Funky Jazz. Jazz is a very fun and energetic class. Students will learn the proper techniques needed for leaps and turns. They also will learn across the floor combinations to strengthen their technique and will learn how to use them while dancing. Students should add this class into their schedule, as it will help them in many other styles.
Modern & Contemporary
These two styles of dance are similiar, but have very diverse techniques about them. They allow oneself to be expressive through movement and song, but technique is the fundamental basis of both disciplines. These styles together allow storytelling, through the song and choreography, while pushing boundaries.
Combination Classes – All Ages
Combination classes are wonderful for all students. We offer multiple types of dance & gymnastics combined within a 1 hour class. These classes will develop a good foundation with keeping the children highly motivated. We offer:
Diva Stars = Hip Hop & Gymnastics
Super Stars = Gymnastics, Jazz, & Ballet
Star dust = Gymnastics, Hip Hop, & Tap
Twinkling Stars = Gymnastics, Jazz, & Ballet